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Special Persons Department, Dawat-e-Islami
At the time of writing this, Dawat-e-Islami is performing the religious activities in more than 80 different departments to serve the religion. One of the departments is the Special Persons Department.
اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, thousands of special people, including deaf, dumb, blind and several other disabled people are associated with Dawat-e-Islami. The Special Persons Department is committed to spreading the message of ‘call towards righteousness’ and teaching religious knowledge to the special people all across the world.
Different types of activities carried out under the supervision of Special Persons Department
Madrasa Al-Madinah Adults for Special Persons
Madrasa Al-Madinah Adults for the special people is attended daily by a large number of deaf and dumb people who behold the Noble Quran and learn the rulings of Islam. In the same way, the blind people listen to the recital of the Holy Quran and learn the rulings of Islam.
Weekly Ijtima’aat
Deaf, dumb, blind, and other disabled people are invited to attend the weekly Ijtima’aat held on every Thursday at various locations. Several disabled people have the privilege of attending the weekly Ijtima’aat. In these Ijtima’aat, the lecture is also translated in sign language for the deaf and dumb people.
Sign Language Course
Normal people are taught the sign language course so that they could learn how to converse with people who are deprived of the ability to listen and talk, call them towards righteousness in sign language and teach them the important religious rulings. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, at the time of writing this, approximately, more than 100 sign language courses have been conducted.
اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, thousands of special people, including deaf, dumb, blind and several other disabled people are associated with Dawat-e-Islami. The Special Persons Department is committed to spreading the message of ‘call towards righteousness’ and teaching religious knowledge to the special people all across the world.

Courses for special people
Deaf & dumb people are taught a 7-day course, namely “Blessings of Salah’ in sign language” In it, the attendees are taught the obligatory acts, conditions, compulsory acts and Mufsidaat-e-Namaz [actions that invalidate Salah]. They are also taught about ablution, Ghusl, Tayammum, to the method of purifying clothes, Sunnahs and etiquettes. Moreover, they are morally trained too
Madani Qafilahs
In the similar way, Madani Qafilahs of the special persons for 3 days, 12 days and a month also take place. In it, besides their religious training, they are also taught about the important issues.
Monthly Ijtima’aat
Under the supervision of the Department of Special Persons, ‘Monthly Ijtima’aat’ of the special people are held all around the world. The male preachers train them morally and religiously in these spiritual gatherings. Moreover, training sessions are conducted for them in which they are taught about the traffic rules, emergency services and various types of services regarding the security measures
Annual Ijtima’aat
Under the supervision of the Special Persons Department, ‘Annual Ijtima’aat’ of the special people also take place. Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat, Nigran-e-Shura, Arakeen-e-Shura and other male preachers of Dawat-e-Islami train the special people in these spiritual gatherings
I’tikaf of the special people are held worldwide in the holy month of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak for one month and ten days. The well-trained male preachers of Dawat-e-Islami train the special people in these spiritual gatherings.

Nearly 26 braille books are ready currently for the blind people, out of which 5 of them have been published already.
‘Let’s perform Wudu’ and ‘Salah Pictures’ for deaf and dumb people have been published in sign language and other books are being worked on. ‘The Dumb Preacher’ in Urdu and ‘Questions and Answers about Deaf and Dumb’ have been published in Urdu, Hindi and Gujarati for the general public.
Zayli department for blind people
Under the supervision of this department, with intent to spread the religious activities among the blind people only, a Zayli department is also working, through which audio libraries have been established for the blind people in the various large cities of Pakistan. In these libraries, audio books and braille books have been provided for the blind people.
Madrasa Al-Madinah for blind people
Madrasa Al-Madinah for the blind people have been established in Multan, Kala Bagh, Chakswari, Kashmir and Hyderabad to teach the Holy Quran to the blind children. These institutes will be established soon in other cities as well.
Special Person Mobile App
IT Department and Special Persons Department, Dawat-e-Islami, have jointly created an app for the special people. In this app, there is an option of audio library for the blind people, every week a new audio book is uploaded in it.
For the deaf and dumb people, the method of Hajj and Umrah, Salah, ablution and Ghusl are available in sign language.
Normal Islamic brothers can learn sign language through this app as well.
Now, اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, a new feature has been added to the app which is known as “Animated Sign Language Course”, through which normal people would be able to learn sign language through cartoons.
Social Media Department
With joint efforts of the Department of Special Persons and the Social Media Department, Dawat-e-Islami, a Facebook page, ‘special persons Dawat-e-Islami’ has been created to guide and train the special people according to the requirements of the current era. In it, several short clips, lectures and live sessions are uploaded in sign language.
Likewise, اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, a YouTube channel, ‘special Persons Dawat-e-Islami’ has also been created under the supervision of this department. In it, short clips, different sessions and Na’ats by Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat, Nigran-e-Shura, Arakeen-e-Shura and other male preachers of Dawat-e-Islami are uploaded in sign language.
Madani work of the Overseas Special Persons Department:
اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه, the Special Persons Department is working in several countries of the world, apart from its services in Pakistan. The well-trained Islamic brothers are occupied to teach the religious activities to the people who are deaf, dumb, blind or with any other disability.
In Nepal and India, the process of teaching the special persons about Wudu, Ghusl, Salah and other acts of worship is also underway.
In addition to the course, namely ‘Blessings of Salah’, the blind people are also being taught the other Tarbiyyati courses,
While teaching the sign language courses to the normal people, their Tarbiyyah is also underway.
Similarly, in order to reform the special persons, according to the requirements of the current era, efforts for telecasting various programs in sign language on Madani Channel are underway. One of the programs is ‘Sunehri Waqi’aat’, which is telecast on every Sunday and Friday.
Soon, Dawat-e-Islami is establishing ‘Jami’ah Al-Madinah’ for the blind people.
And, ‘Dar Al-Madinah (Islamic School System)’ is being established for the deaf and dumb people as well.
Special persons department Dawat e islami
Official dep # +923152678687
Email address: feedback.spd@dawateislami.net